It's been so hectic the last few months, and I'm afraid that the blog has suffered. I have been keeping up with Facebook and the website Dub N Rub. If you want to catch up on what is happening I'd recommend checking in on either of those sites.
I have been putting on Dub N Rub for 5 years now, and each year gets bigger and more successful than the last. This has been a most amazing journey for me, and I am pleased to see the enthusiasm that the VW/Audi crowd generates for this cause. This year I hosted a BYOB+B, Flocked for a Cure, and Dub N Rub all geared to raise money for the American Cancer Society.
There have been many ups and downs in my personal life through the years, and while I try to not let it affect the show I usually can tell when I have been pulled in too many directions. The last two years have been hard with the loss of my father and most recently his mother, both due to lung cancer.
When my father was diagnosed with lung cancer two years ago, I decided to join the Relay For Life. The Relay is a 24 hour campaign held by the American Cancer Society to raise money and awareness for all cancers. With the loss of my grandmother (a hugely influential touchstone in my life), I believe that I am going to focus more on the Relay. This does not mean that Dub N Rub will be done with, there may be less emphasis on boobies in my campaigns and more on cancer prevention in general.
The American Cancer Society has many wonderful programs designed to help not only those diagnosed with cancer, but their families as well: Look Good Feel Better, the Hope Lodge, Road to Recovery, TLC, Reach to Recovery, Man to Man, and I Can Cope are just a few of the programs offered by the American Cancer Society.
I have gotten to meet so many wonderful people due to the show, and I am blessed to have such great friends and family to help me muddle through the downs as well as celebrate the ups. I try to let you all know how grateful I am to each of you for the contributions and support, but just in case I haven't been clear